Passion. Experience. Diligence.

Get in touch

We at Proper Construction know that finding the right contractor to create your vision is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why we offer free consultations to walk through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.

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Nathan Snyder

Nathan is a licensed real estate agent, entrepreneur and developer. Graduated from the University of Georgia in 2007 with a degree in Business Management and Finance.



University of Georgia
Business Management and Finance 2007




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Jeff Snyder

Jeff has over 30+ years in construction. His attention to detail and knowledge of ways to save money make him an incredible asset to the company. He owned a successful construction company in Hilton Head Island, SC for 20 years. Joining Proper Construction in 2017 allowed him to work closely with his sons Nathan and William and help build a company that is transforming Savannah.


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William Snyder

William has 15 years experience in construction and is a certified x-ray welder for 10 years. His passion is creating and building something new and beautiful. As a young boy, he would work with his father at different sites and it instilled the desire to build ideas into reality, which has turned into a career.